Dispatch: Packaging & Branding

Dispatch is a monthly mail subscription that brings the excitement of escape rooms into participants' homes. This new mystery game series is the brainchild of Breakout Games, a unique client that allowed us to wield our expertise in a manner that doesn't come along every day.

We were responsible for elements wall-to-wall: brand identity, clue and website design, and the challenge of settling all the unfolding parts of the game narrative into one tidy box.

For the Curious at Heart

We dove in with equal parts enthusiasm and meticulous logic. From compiling code systems to testing mail subscriptions to make sure they actually worked, we took a holistic approach from start to finish. In order to drive Dispatch home, the design of the clues and packaging had to reveal an unraveling mystery and who-dun-it storyline.

While the boxes are similar in structure and size, each set of designs appears so varied that a recipient might not identify the cohesive style until stacking them together. We developed five sets of unique box designs for five different series that pair with the clues that come packaged inside.

Become Part of the Story

We were exhaustive in our "realistic" details - worn, old letters, oil stained takeout menus, and passport stamps for made-up countries. This attention to particulars immerses participants in the game, making it effortless for them to suspend their disbelief.

It was important to us to incorporate some aspects of the Dispatch parent brand, Breakout Games, so we utilized their color palette and a similar wordmark. We were able to align our designs to Breakout's vision and identity, but by giving Dispatch its own set of typefaces and icon designs, we gave them an individual voice for their unique gaming experience.