
  • Everything
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Checking In: Fall 2020

While navigating 2020 is tricky, we haven't kept our heads down. We have exciting new updates to share. See what we've been up to in 2020!
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Refusing Clients & Client Work

We love when our clients’ values align with our own, but we know that doesn’t always happen. There are a few reasons we'd refuse client work.
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Room For Change

We’re vowing now while our team is small to make our workplace welcoming and comfortable for people from all backgrounds.
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Donating to Causes | August 2020

We donate to causes as often as we’re able to. Our hope is that by supporting organizations we align with, we learn from them.
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The Brand in the Mirror

How do you decide on creating your own visual identity? We did a creative rebrand and learned about what makes our team tick on the way.
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Fostering Talent

Employee performance thrives when contentment and growth are possible. We've found that investing in our team fosters talent.
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The Secret to SEO: There isn’t One

The goal of Search Engine Optimization is to serve the searcher. The only real secret to SEO is understanding your audience.
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Considering Audience

Give your audience a reason to keep scrolling. What information—both written and visual—might they be looking for on your website?
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Bike-Friendly Business

Environmental concerns and personal wellness are important to us. As a Bike Friendly Business, it's easy to work our values into routine.
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Digital Accessibility

Accessibility practices are more than a formality extended to differently-abled individuals. How can we increase digital accessibility?
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