We don’t discriminate against a group or individual based on race, ethnicity, age, religion, education, ability status, gender identity, or sexuality (see our Ethical Marketing Values for details). We expect our clients to hold the same standard. Additionally, we expect everyone we work with to respect our team members—their time, their work, and also their individual identities.

There are a handful of reasons we would refuse or halt work with a client. We wanted to share them with you. We will not work with:

  • Any known hate group
  • Any company with anti-BLM, anti-immigrant, or anti-LGBT stances
  • Companies with predatory or complacent business practices
  • Companies that sell automatic weapons
  • Companies that refuse hires based on immigration status
  • Companies that refuse hires based on conviction status

For some of these bullets, we’d love to have a values discussion first. For example, if a client has strict policies against hiring team members with a criminal record, we’d prefer to discuss it with them before resigning. Maybe it’s a discussion they’ve never had before. We’d only resign the client if we can’t find a positive resolution.

At the same time, this doesn’t mean we only work with clients that agree with us at every turn. We love when our clients’ values align with our own, but we know that doesn’t always happen. If one of our clients needs help becoming more eco-friendly, diversifying their suppliers, or connecting with organizations, we’re happy to take the time to share what we know.

We want our clients to know that we won’t utilize companies from the above list in any capacity while working with them. If we have a client who uses a source fitting a category above, we’ll kindly suggest another. If it becomes a problem, we might not be the best fit.

Shawn Saylor, illustration by Elizabeth Hall for Mediocre Creative
Shawn's an avid member of the Lexington creative community. He likes clean lines and bright colors. He's often distracted by conversations about music and bizarre imagery. His anecdote: we could probably fit all this lumber in the car. It'll sag a little and the guys at Home Depot may laugh, but we're not making two trips.

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