Nothing happens by accident

We developed (and are still evolving) the identity for Central Kentucky builders committed to creative design and science-backed, forward-thinking construction.

Brand Strategy / Brand Identity / Messaging / Web Design & Development / Campaign Development / Photo & Video Production / Content Management

A photo of someone flipping through a booklet with homes pictured.
The front porch of a modern grey house.
The side of a modern style house with a balcony overlooking a lake.
A modern white and wood kitchen.
A white pool house with large windows and pool in front, with a porch in the foreground.
Heller Built's website on an ipad sitting on a desk corner

In 2020, Heller Built approached us with only a name, looking to build on existing name equity to establish a new company that provides holistic custom home building services. Our visual and verbal identity system, custom website, brand awareness campaign, and continued content strategy have established HB as a leader in their industry in 4 years.

Decades of experience and family values were a firm foundation to build on Heller Built’s name. Through a concise verbal identity and process messaging, Heller Built delivers their process—what sets them apart from their competitors—with ease and consistency, and builds reputation in their name with each completed estate home, equine farm, and historic restoration. Calculated documentation of their finished projects and process build a robust brand presence across platforms, providing followers with continuing proof that Heller Built homes are built to last with architectural integrity.

A man in a Heller Built shirt examining the installed insulation at a construction site.

Building a brand beyond benchmarks


Process is paramount, and clarity is key. Heller Built’s process is their deliverable, and the experience of working with Heller Built is their premium offering. In short, it's the foundation for each and every estate built.

Visual Identity

Heller Built’s logo and brand system reflects their transparency and dedication to their craft. It’s intentionally concise and stylish, avoiding unnecessary flourishes and details. Elegance and refinement doesn't sacrifice congeniality, showing their allegiance to details and life-long loyalty to their clients.

Photo + Video

Heller Built’s logo and brand system reflects their transparency and dedication to their craft. It’s intentionally concise and stylish, avoiding unnecessary flourishes and details. Elegance and refinement doesn't sacrifice congeniality, showing their allegiance to details and life-long loyalty to their clients.

A photo of an ad for Heller Built inside a magazine.
A photo of a blue Heller Built sign in grass.
A photo of Heller Built booklets on top of architectural drawings.

Designing monuments for milestones

Heller Built’s website is modern, dynamic, and engaging, showcasing their work and their process. Their visual identity seamlessly integrates their projects, and content is easy to digest, avoiding industry jargon and focusing instead on honest, straightforward language. Visitors know what sets the Heller Built brand apart.

Through ongoing SEO, visibility steadily increased to gain 3x more leads for new clients within the first three years through finding their right audience. Organic search is the third highest ranking referral on their site, continually adapting as their business grows.

A photo of Heller Built's website viewed on a laptop sitting on top of building plans.
A photo of the Heller Built website being viewed on a phone in someone's hand.

Taking pride in their process

Heller Built engaged us to establish their brand in local and prospective client markets through consistent media, both organically and through paid placement. We leveraged PR opportunities within a brand awareness campaign during 2021. Continuing since, yearly marketing strategies for earned and paid media, as well as event sponsorships, place the brand in front of new audiences for lifetime estates.


From OTT commercials & magazine advertisements to event sponsorships, Heller Built’s builds awareness and trust in paid placement through consistent design and messaging coupled with PR appearances and articles.


Fast content, primarily on Instagram, reinforces Heller Built’s position in their industry, and Austin Heller provides weekly examples of their detail-obsessed process, placing a face behind the brand. Quick, on-site social video production is balanced with finished project highlights, attributing social media as the top referral source for their website and keeping a steady 14% increase in growth year over year.

A rendering of the back of a grey stone house with pool.
A rendering of the back of a grey stone house with pool.
A rendering of the front of a grey stone house.


Austin Hohiemer, Verbal Identity and Copywriting
Stevie Morrison, Content Creation
Kong Productions, Richie Quick, Video
Kristin Tatem, Matt Peel, Photography

A photo of someone flipping through a booklet showing pages on the design and build process.
The stone sign for Heller Built's offices, including their logo.
Two men talking in front of a pile of stone at a construction site.