
March 18, 2021

Donating to causes | March 2021


Teagan Miller

One of our goals is to be connected to a larger network of organizations doing impactful & inspiring work. As we mentioned in our last donations post, that includes learning from the causes that we support — rather than just sending them a lump sum and moving on (nothing against lump sums, though).

For example, Survived and Punished is a grassroots prison abolition organization dedicated to freeing criminalized survivors of gender violence held in prisons. They recently published their 2020 Annual Review, which highlights their biggest efforts of the year (including stories of survivors they helped). This document is chock-full of campaign art, hashtags, links, comprehensive information, action steps, and more. It’s well worth a read for connecting to a cause we care about — check it out here.

Going with the flow

One concern we’ve been tackling (maybe you can relate?) is how we might approach giving if we’re in a less-than-profitable month. Do we pause donations? Scale them back? Or strive to keep up with the goals we set and adjust elsewhere?

We’ve been kicking around ideas on how to navigate staying true to our philanthropy policy when things may not be quite “business as usual.” So far, we’re still actively seeking out organizations to support with monetary donations. But we are also considering other avenues, including team volunteering and pro bono work.


Last month, we donated to the following causes based on equity research, team member suggestions, and our local community.

Check out the links above. Again, if there’s a cause or organization that you’re passionate about, we’d love to hear about it.

An illustration of a hand gripping a bunch of pencils.

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May 4, 2021

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