
August 21, 2020

Donating to causes | August 2020


Teagan Miller

As a team, we give to charities and causes as often as we’re able to. These groups are usually chosen based on the current cultural climate and causes close to our team members. Above all, our hope is that by connecting with organizations that align with our values, we can learn from them. Additionally, we hope that the causes we donate to reflect our values.

As of today, we follow a process we defined based on suggestions we received from our team and community. As time allows, we hope to grow our budget for donating to causes in conjunction with our growth as a team and as a company.


Last month, we donated to the following causes based on equity research, team member suggestions, and our local community.

  • Survived and Punished: A grassroots prison abolition organization dedicated to freeing criminalized survivors of gender violence held in prisons.
  • Black Women’s Blueprint: Black feminist organization for progressive research, policy advocacy and organizing. They focus on the struggles of Black women within their diverse communities and within dominant culture.
  • SisterSong: Atlanta-based women of color Reproductive Justice collective.
  • Revision Path: Platform dedicated to showcasing Black designers and creatives all over the world. Additionally, they’ve provided a ton of equity resources for us.
  • North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems (NATIFS): Dedicated to addressing the economic and health crises affecting Native communities by re-establishing Native foodways.
  • Native Food Alliance (NAFSA): Advocating for all levels of food security and sovereignty in local, tribal, regional, national, and international arenas.
  • InterACT Advocates: Uses innovative legal strategies to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex traits.

So, check out the organizations linked above. With this in mind, if there’s a cause or organization that you’re passionate about, don’t hesitate to let us know.

An illustration of a hand gripping a bunch of pencils.

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September 16, 2020

Room for change
Open it up
Open it up